'Tak sangka lelaki yang aku tatang macam minyak yang penuh sanggup pukul aku sampai lebam' - Gadis kongsi pengalaman bercinta dengan lelaki tak guna

'Tak sangka lelaki yang aku tatang macam minyak yang penuh sanggup pukul aku sampai lebam' - Gadis kongsi pengalaman bercinta dengan lelaki tak guna

Viral kisah seorang gadis yang kecundang dalam percintaan dek perangai bekas teman lelakinya. Mydd Asmida tidak menafikan bahawa lelaki itu ada sisi yang baik, namun dia kerap mengambil kesempatan terhadapnya sehingga 'makan hati berulam jantung'. 

Menurut Asmida, pada awalnya dia sangat menyayangi lelaki itu. Tetapi lama kelamaan dia dimaklumkan bahawa lelaki itu menjalinkan kembali hubungan cinta dengan bekas kekasih lamanya, membuatkan Asmida terasa dirinya dipergunakan. 

Baca coretan Asmida di bawah: 

"Be with a guy who love you more, who want you more. Leave the guy who hurt you physically and mentally. If you keep staying, the wound will never stop bleeding."

Story yang aku nak share ni baca dengan santai jee. Tak perlu emo. Just jadikan pengajaran.

Nama dia Paan. Aku start kawan dengan dia dari dia pakai motor lagi. Hari2 lepas balik kerja keluar makan dekat kedai depan rumah tuu then lepak playground dengan kawan2 lain. Sampai laaa dia beli kereta. 

Paan ni masa aku mula2 kenal lembut orangnya, cakap pun slow jee, manja. Tak pernah marah aku jauh sekali tinggi suara. Semuanya indah jeee. Sayang aku dekat dia takyah cakap laaa, memang sayang gila. Kitorang 1 tempat kerja cuma lain department. Rumah pun dekat cuma lain block jee. Hari2 jumpa, tak pernah skip sehari pun kecuali balik kampung. Cuti pun tiap2 minggu deal hari yang sama so senang nak keluar dating. Mana pun dia pergi mesti dia bawa aku. Ehhh terasa indah sangat laaa dunia masa tuu.

Tapi Paan ni dia selalu ada masalah duit. Sampai kadang2 nak makan pun takde duit. Aku pun taktau mana duit dia pergi. Then I just think positive dia ada commitment nak bayar kereta setiap bulan. Mostly kalau keluar makan memang aku yang akan bayar. Keluar tengok wayang ke apa ke memang aku laaa keluar duit. Isi minyak kereta, topap dia, touch 'n go. Everything laaa senang cakap. 

Dia pernah jugak keluar duit bayar, bukan tak pernah langsung tapi jarang. Dia ada hutang dengan siapa ntahh rm200 minta tolong aku bayarkan dulu. Okay aku bayarkan. Then pergi bercuti dekat Penang dengan ex dia sampai kena speed trap rm300. Aku call dia macam nak meletup phone ni haram tak angkat. Masa tuu dia tipu aku cakap pergi rumah kawan dia then rumah tuu kena ambush dengan polis sebab ada dadah laa sebab tuu tak angkat phone laa bla bla bla tapi tetap aku bayarkan saman tuu sebab dia minta tolong. 

Guysss kebal tak hati aku? Masa dia nak tukar sport rim kereta, duit tak cukup merengek rengek dekat aku. Aku cakap duit tak cukup tunggu laa gaji. Pastu dia kata tayar daa botak laaa apa laaa kalau tukar sekali dengan tayar lagi murah bla bla bla. 

Satu perangai dia ni dia suka merengek. Kalau benda yang dia minta aku cakap no, dia akan merengek sampai aku cakap yes. Then aku pun bagi laa dia rm500. Dia punya suka dapat sport rim takyah cerita laa. Bawa kereta pergi kerja kawan2 puji lagi kembang dia. And aku senyum jee. 

Kadang dia nak balik kampung tapi takde duit aku bagi dia duit minyak. Setiap kali aku cuti balik kampung, dia dengan rela hati hantar and amek aku. But then nanti dia claim balik duit minyak. Bila dia minta duit makan tak pernah aku tak bagi. Sengkek2 rm50 mesti aku hulur. Orang tak nampak semua tuu. Yang orang nampak dia layan aku baik. Tapi aku layan dia buruk. Hmmm. Senang cakap gaji dia untuk bayar kereta and keperluan diri dia, itu pun tak lepas. Tapi gaji aku untuk aku, family aku & dia. Sikit pun aku tak pernah berkira. And aku cuma harap dia akan lebih appreciate aku sebab aku masih stay walau susah mana pun keadaan dia. Tuu jeee.

Then one day ntahh macam mana kantoi pasal dia dengan ex dia actually belum break up lagi. First time gaduh besar. That girl call me maki2 marah2 semua. Then I just apologize and told her that I really know nothing about this. I was so so so disappointed. 3 hari aku tak kerja. Aku nangis jee. Tak makan tak tidoo. Aku cuma cakap dekat dia just go back to her. Betulkan balik hubungan korang. Takpe kita still boleh kawan. 

Tapi Paan taknak. Seboleh boleh dia nak aku jugak. Taknak perempuan tuu daa. Dia cakap that girl tinggalkan dia hilangkan diri masa dia susah. Sampai dia patahkan simkad number couple diorang. Call mak dia depan aku and bawa aku balik rumah jumpa family dia. Memang sungguh2 laa dia pujuk. Then aku pun bagi dia peluang. Tapi makin lama Paan ni makin berubah. Daa mula pekik aku. Berkasar dengan aku sampai lebam2 tangan aku dia buat setiap kali kitorang gaduh. Berjangkit baran aku kott. 

Ada satu hari ni kantoi lagi pasal perempuan. Bukan ex dia tuu. Perempuan lain pulak. Bersayang berindu bagai. Siap tukar2 gambar selfie. Sedih aku. Aku jumpa gambar2 diorang mesra2 berdua dekat gallery dia. Haihhh. Letih hati aku. Phone dia aku tak pernah godeh. Aku taktau password pun. Sedangkan phone aku ni siap ada fingerprint dia. Aku letak sepenuh kepercayaan aku dekat dia. Tapi bila Tuhan nak tunjuk, pelbagai cara boleh kantoi. 

That time aku marah sangat. Hati aku hancur. And aku cakap dekat dia aku bagi dia segalanya. Apa yang dia minta semua aku tunaikan. Apa lagi yang tak cukup?Kenapa dia masih perlu perempuan lain? Then dia minta maaf, block that girl and delete all their pictures. And I still give him another chance because I love him so much.

Aku ni pattern setiap kali gaduh aku akan suruh dia tinggalkan aku. I need time. I need space. Aku penat. Tapi dia akan stay. Dia taknak. Dia cakap dia sayang aku. But last month kitorang gaduh pasal that girl again and he finally left. Dia cakap dia daa penat, taknak fight for this relationship anymore. Dia salahkan aku balik. Dia cakap aku suka marah2 dia pekik2 dia. Halau dia dari hidup aku. Aku ego. Aku selfish. 

Then dia minta masa untuk hubungan ni. He even block me at all social media and also message and call. Aku tak boleh contact dia langsung. Aku contact kawan2 dia sana sini tanya pasal dia. I'm so distress that time. I blame myself sebab tak sabar dengan dia. Mudah naik angin. I totally blame myself because our relationship is not working. 

I'm mentally ill. I'm crying day and night. Wondering mana sebenarnya salah and silap aku? Dekat mana kurangnya aku? I lost my appetite and sleep. I lost my weight. Kerja aku pun terganggu. I can't focus anymore. Than I decide to go to Muar cari dia untuk discuss and settle masalah kami. I really love him and aku tak nak hilang dia.

And guest what? Actually dia get back dengan ex dia tuu guysss. Hahahahahaha. Dia berseronok keluar dating upload gambar sweet2 sedangkan aku dekat sini macam orang gila fikir pasal dia siang malam pagi petang. Dia ingat dia block aku and kawan2 aku, aku taktau apa dia buat belakang aku? And sepanjang hubungan kitorang he never upload my photo okay. Aku tau pasal benda ni pun sebab kawan dia sendiri bagitau aku. Ntahh laaa. Maybe kawan dia pun kesian dekat aku kott. Thank you kawan.

So kemuncaknya, Isnin lepas (7/8) aku ajak dia jumpa dekat car park tempat kami kerja sebab nak tanya pasal hal ni. And macam biasa dia tak ngaku. He keep deny it. Aku marah sangat sebab bukti daa terang2 ada dia still nak bodoh2 kann aku. So I slap him. Tau apa reaksi dia? He hit me back. Lebam tangan aku kiri kanan. Dia tampar sampai pecah bibir atas aku. Tolak aku sampai aku jatuh berkali kali. Senak perut aku. Cekik aku. Tunjuk2 muka aku sambil maki2. Dia layan aku macam perempuan takde harga diri. 

Aku terus ungkit semuanya. Aku minta dia bayar balik duit aku malam tuu jugak. Then dia cakap dia takde duit. Bagi dia masa. But I said no. Aku nak settle malam tuu jugak sebab aku taknak ada apa2 urusan lagi dengan dia. Aku suruh dia cari jugak tak kira dengan cara apa pun. 

Then dia pinjam kawan dia and pay me. Last sebelum nak balik tuu dia still cekik and tolak aku. That time dia betul2 buat aku lupa betapa sayangnya aku dekat dia. Sepanjang pergaduhan tuu setitik air mata aku pun takde. Aku gagahkan diri aku. Aku nekad. I've to stop all this shit. Aku tak patut dilayan macam sampah lepas apa yang aku korbankan untuk dia.

Aku terus masuk office and call my friend minta tolong amek aku. Then I call my dad told him about this sebab family kitorang tau pasal hubungan ni. Ayah marah gila and ayah nak aku report polis and ayah cakap kejap lagi dia datang tengok aku. Masa aku keluar aku nampak Paan dekat kereta kawan aku bising2 apa ntahh ajak gaduh. I told my friend takyah layan dia kita pergi jee. 

So we go to police station to make a report. Masa dalam balai tuu Paan keep calling me tanya dekat mana nak jumpa laa apa laaa bla bla bla. I didn't tell him where am I and just ignore his call. Then police tuu suruh buat report dekat IPD. So kitorang pun balik ke tempat kerja dulu sebab masa tuu kawan aku masih dalam waktu kerja lagi. We decide to go to IPD pukul 12 malam lepas waktu kerja nanti.

Masa on the way balik ke tempat kerja suddenly ntahh si Paan ni datang dari mana dia terus block kereta kawan aku. Dia turun and kawan aku cepat2 lock pintu. Paan suruh aku keluar ntahh apa dia nak cakap pun aku taktau. But for sure mesti laaa pasal report tuu. Kawan aku suruh aku stay dalam kereta jee then dia call police tadi cakap Paan ganggu aku lagi. 

Tak lama lepas tu dia pergi. Me and my friend balik ke tempat kerja and polis pun datang nak pastikan takde pape berlaku. Lepas balik kerja tuu polis suruh aku call Paan tanya dekat mana, dia nak bawa Paan pergi IPD sekali. Then aku call dia taknak bagitau dia dekat mana and polis tuu pulak call. Polis suruh dia datang ke tempat kerja kami sebab nak gerak saing2. So dia datang and kitorang pun gerak pergi ke IPD naik 3 kereta.

[Gambar throwback masa date dulu]

Sampai IPD aku orang first bagi statement. Then dia panggil Paan and lepastu kawan dia pulak. Bila ayah aku sampai aku peluk ayah aku pinjam sikit kekuatan dari dia. Aku lemah sangat masa tuu. Hati aku remuk. Aku tak sangka lelaki yang aku tatang macam minyak yang penuh akan buat aku sampai macam ni sekali. 

Lepas polis soal siasat semua Paan mengaku dia ada pukul aku. Then polis tanya samada nak proceed kes ke mahkamah or settle baik jee. Aku decide untuk proceed. But Paan ajak discuss settle baik. That time hati aku lagi sakit berbanding luka and lebam yang ada dekat badan aku. Kalau aku proceed kes ni malam tuu dia tak boleh balik, tidoo lokap. Esoknya (8/8) mula hari pertama reman. Reman 5 hari. Then naik mahkamah. Aku daa ready untuk tempuh semua tuu. Tapi mungkin dia yang tak ready nak laluinya.

Polis bagi kami ruang and masa untuk discuss dulu. I ask my dad, then ayah cakap dia serahkan keputusan pada tangan aku. Sebab aku yang rasa, aku jee tau apa yang patut aku buat. Paan minta maaf dekat ayah, then ayah cakap ayah tak maafkan dia. Benda ni terlalu sakit untuk ayah terima. 

Then Paan bawa aku pergi belakang untuk bincang. Berjam jam jugak laa dia merayu supaya aku tarik kes and bagi dia peluang. Dia cakap dia sayang aku lagi and dia tak sengaja. Dia tak sedar apa dia buat. Dia minta kami buka buku baru. Betulkan balik hubungan ni. 

Guysss boleh bayangkan tak lelaki yang baru berapa jam tadi benci aku gila2 now mengaku sayang. Siap ajak aku kahwin! How fast people change. 

Then I ask him, Paan apa yang kau boleh bagi aku kalau aku kahwin dengan kau? Aku taknak kau. Kau takde apa2. Cinta kau pun kau tak boleh bagi setia. Apa lagi yang aku boleh harapkan dari kau? When I said I don't love him anymore dia tak percaya. Dia cakap aku tipu diri aku. Aku memang nak proceed jee kes tuu tapi dia halang aku tarik2 aku tak bagi aku masuk bilik inspector tuu. Haihhhh. Letih. Jam daa dekat pukul 6 pagi. Tidoo tak lagi. Hmmm.

Bila perbincangan tuu tak kemana, aku minta masa dengan inspector tuu untuk aku balik and fikir. Pagi tuu ada jugak laaa kawan2 aku message minta aku tarik kes. Diorang kesian dekat Paan. See? No one knows sisi gelap hubungan kami. Yang diorang tau semua cerita indah2 jee. 

Sampai rumah aku tak boleh tidoo. Baring and berfikir. Hmmm. Memang laa dia salah. Memang laa aku marah. Tapi apa hak aku untuk hancurkan masa depan dia? Haihhh. Dia muda lagi. Kalau sabit salah kena penjara tak masal ada rekod jenayah. Nanti kena buang kerja macam mana nak cari kerja baru? Macam mana nak tempuh hari2 yang akan datang? Sedangkan perjalanan hidup dia jauh lagi. Keputusan aku ni akan bagi effect seumur hidup dia.

Then aku decide untuk tarik kes. And satu jee yang aku minta dari dia, pergi jumpa family aku and minta maaf. Paan pun setuju. 

Malam tuu aku pergi IPD untuk tarik report. Polis pun pelik kenapa. Sebab masa aku buat report polis tanya apa tujuan aku buat report. Masa tu aku cakap aku nak pembelaan atas diri aku. The police ask me awak belum ke medan perang, tapi awak daa undur diri? I just told them aku taknak besarkan hal ni sampai jejaskan kerja Paan. Tuu jee. Then diorang pun terpaksa laa akur. 

Sehari lepas aku tarik kes, Paan minta tolong aku bayarkan dulu hutang member dia yang dia pinjam untuk bayar hutang aku. Member dia urgent nak guna duit. Then I said no! Daa bayar mana boleh minta balik. Buruk siku. Mula laaa dia punya merengek. Haihhh. And untuk yang keberapa kali ntahh aku masih bagi dia rm500 untuk settle hutang tuu. Mungkin sebab ni laa orang senang buli aku, hati aku lembut.

2 hari aku cuti kerja untuk settle kes ni. And bila aku naik kerja semua datang interview. Penat laa nak jawab soalan sama. Hmmm. Then petang tuu my bos panggil aku, he told me kes aku ni daa sampai ke HR. Paan akan dibuang kerja. Sebab incident tuu berlaku di tempat kerja. Haihhh. 

Then aku slow talk dengan bos aku and minta tolong dia settle dengan HR supaya jangan ambil apa2 tindakan pada Paan and tutup kes ni. He ask me why? Aku cakap aku takde hak nak jejaskan kerja dia rezeki dia. Then he ask me again, apa pula hak dia untuk bagi awak lebam2 ni? Aku diam jee. Sebab aku sendiri pun takde jawapan. Bos aku geleng kepala and dia cakap okay dia akan minta HR tutup kes ni but I must forget all this and focus on my work. Okay. Thank you bos.

Harini (14/8) daa seminggu kes tuu berlalu. Lebam dekat tangan tak hilang lagi. Lebam dekat hati jangan ditanya. Aku daa bagi Paan sepenuh cinta kasih sayang tanpa ada sikit pun sisa untuk diri aku. But he use that love as a weapon to hurt me. And yes, aku rebah. 

Sekarang aku masih dalam proses move on. Kutip semula semangat2 aku yang hilang. Cantum kann harapan2 yang berbaki ni untuk sembuhkan diri aku. Now aku lebih focus dengan kerja. Kumpul duit. Makan 3 kali sehari. Tidur secukupnya. Luangkan masa mengadu pada Tuhan. Semoga aku mampu bangun and bangkit semula. Terima kasih ibu ayah hari2 call bagi kata2 semangat and make sure aku okay. Love your family guysss. Because whatever happen, they'll never ever let you face it alone. 

Aku tarik kes tuu bukan atas dasar cinta, semua tuu daa takde. Tapi lebih kepada perikemanusiaan. And actually until now Paan masih tak datang jumpa family aku minta maaf lagi. Takpe laaa. Aku lanjutkan kes ni ke mahkamah Allah. DIA maha mengetahui lagi maha adil. Dosa kita dengan Tuhan kita bertaubat. Dosa dengan manusia kena laaa minta maaf sesama manusia. Dia kena ingat ayah ibu aku masih tak redha dengan apa yang dia buat.

Apa yang aku cerita ni tak bermakna Paan langsung takde baiknya. Ada. Mesti laaa ada. Setiap orang ada baik buruknya. Macam tuu jugak aku. Mungkin ada kelemahan aku dalam hubungan ni. Tapi cara dia hukum aku terlalu berat. Kereta kalau rosak pun repair, bukan beli baru. Apatah lagi pasangan kalau lemah bimbing, bukan cari baru. 

Aku terpanggil untuk share story ni sebab aku ada dengar angin2 yang tak elok cakap Paan pukul aku sebab aku terhegeh hegeh nak balik dekat dia tapi dia taknak. So nahhh! This is the true story. The dark side yang takde orang pernah tau. That's why apa yang kita nampak and dengar kadang tak sama dengan apa yang berlaku. So jangan sesekali bercakap tentang sesuatu yang kita tak pasti.

Untuk kawan2 yang tak putus2 message tanya khabar and bagi semangat. Thank you guysss. Walaupun ada yang aku tak pernah kenal korang siapa. Just friendlist dalam FB. You guysss rock! Yang kenal aku lama, you all know me better. Korang lebih kenal hati budi aku. Lepasni memang aku taknak bercinta lagi weyhh! Sakit! Haha. 

Soal jodoh aku serahkan pada orang tua aku. Baik bagi mereka baik lah jugak bagi aku. Pilihan aku tak pernah tepat so this time biarlah diorang buat pilihan.

Guysss pesan aku love yourself first. Appreciate yourself. So no one can make you feel worthless. And if someone hurt you mentally or physically you can leave without any doubt because in your own eyes you know you're priceless and you deserve better. Kita sebagai perempuan kena belajar terima lelaki yang sungguh2 nak kita sungguh2 sayang kita. Bukan kita jee yang bersungguh beriyeee dengan dia. 

And untuk lelaki, hargai orang yang banyak berkorban untuk kau, yang sanggup tempuh susah bersama kau. Perempuan seharusnya disayangi dilindungi bukan disakiti. Yang paling penting hormat & sayang mak kau dulu! Itu titik permulaannya. 

Silap aku, apa pun yang Paan buat aku masih bertahan and aku stay. Peluang diberi berkali kali. Sebab tuu luka aku tak pernah sembuh. Sentiasa berdarah. Sampai harini hati aku masih terasa pedih. 

Doakan aku sentiasa kuat guysss. Doakan hati aku cepat sembuh. Hikmah pertama yang aku dapat aku hilang 2kg! Yeahhh aku kuyusss. Haha. Insyallah lepasni akan ada hikmah2 lain menyusul. Aminnn.

Don't allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them okay? Remember!


Sumber: Mydd Asmida


What is the longest a person has ever lived for? Meet Li Ching Yuen, a man who lived an astonishing 256 years!  And no, this is not a myth or a fictional tale.
According to a 1930 New York Times article, Wu Chung-chieh, a professor of the Chengdu University, discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday,  and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877. In 1928, a New York Times correspondent wrote that many of the old men in Li’s neighborhood asserted that their grandfathers knew him when they were boys, and that he at that time was a grown man.
Li Ching Yuen reportedly began his herbalist career at the age of 10, where he gathered herbs in mountain ranges and learned of their potency for longevity. For almost 40 years, he survived on a diet of herbs such as lingzhi, goji berry, wild ginseng, he shoo wu and gotu kola and rice wine. In 1749, at the age of 71, he joined the Chinese armies as teacher of martial arts.  Li was said to be a much-loved figure in his community, marrying 23 times and fathering over 200 children.
According to the generally accepted tales told in his province, Li was able to read and write as a child, and by his tenth birthday had traveled in Kansu, Shansi, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria gathering herbs. For the first hundred years he continued at this occupation. Then he switched to selling herbs gathered by others. He sold lingzhigoji berry, wild ginsenghe shou wu and gotu kola along with other Chinese herbs, and lived off a diet of these herbs and rice wine.

He Wasn’t The Only One

According to one of Li’s disciples, he had once encountered an even older 500-year-old man, who taught him Qigong exercises and dietary recommendations that would help him extend his lifespan to superhuman proportions. Apart from Qigong and a herb-rich diet, what else can we learn from this Master of Longevity?
How about this: On his death bed, Li famously said, “I have done all that I have to do in this world”. Could his peaceful last words also hint at one of the biggest secrets to a long and prosperous life? It’s interesting to note that in the West, we’re often taught to believe that aging is something that must be “beaten” with high tech infrared devices and state of the art medication.

His Secret To Long Health:

Li was asked what his secret was to longevity. This was his reply: “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.” These were the words of advice Li gave to Wu Pei-fu, the warlord, who took Li into his house to learn the secret of extremely long life.
Li maintained that inward calm and peace of mind combined with breathing techniques were the secrets to incredible longevity. Obviously, his diet would have played a large role. But its fascinating that the old living person in recorded history attributes his long life to his state of mind.

Why Is This So Hard To Believe?

With the average lifespan for the Western world currently sitting between 70-85 years, the thought of someone living over 100 years old seems like quite the stretch. The thought of someone living over 200 years old seems extremely suspicious. But why don’t we believe that people can live this long?
We have to keep in mind that some people in this world don’t live a grueling 9-5 lifestyle, they don’t have to deal with the stresses of debt, they aren’t breathing polluted city air, and they exercise regularly. They don’t eat refined sugars or flour, or any foods that have had pesticides sprayed on them. They aren’t living off of the standard American diet.
They aren’t eating fatty meats, sugary deserts, and genetically modified foods. No antibiotics. No alcohol and no tobacco. Their diets not only exclude junk foods that we so often indulge in, they also include superfoods and herbs which are like steroids for our organs and immune system.
They also spend their spare time in nature practicing breathing techniques and meditating which have been proven to improve mental, physical, and emotional health. They keep things simple, get proper sleep, and spend a great deal of time in nature under the sun. When we get a chance to relax in the sun, we feel instantly rejuvenated and call this a “vacation”. Imagine spending a lifetime doing that in the mountains, and combining that with perfect mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.

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Type of Better Conferencing Calls

You have the ability to even receive the advantage of all 3G connectivity with the aid of HSDPA. You'll find quite a lot of benefits of applying small business telephone system on your own workplace. You will find numerous added benefits of employing a business telephone system on your own workplace.
The usage of toll free variety was made easy for its little business organizations with assistance from cloud. Utilizing small small business telephone system permits you to attend specific kinds of electronic meeting throughout the usage of smartphone. The ideal usage of cloud phone procedure is the fact that it could host PBX platform along side VoIP system which create your entire calling feature more dependable and simple to maintain.

The Benefits of Better Conferencing Calls

Hosted PBX techniques end up becoming truly a boon for practically almost any type of business on account of their manifold benefits they give. It has the capability to change the entire perspective of your company at quite affordable prices. Small small business PBX methods deliver end to end services that match your firm communications together with all the lavish capabilities they offer.

The New Angle On Better Conferencing Calls Just Released

Communication is really a lifestyle for us to be more socially connected with all our surroundings as well as the remainder of the world. Individual communicating isn't 1 manner. Unified communicating gives a seamless integration of each the authentic time along with this non-real time manners of phoning. So, it lowers the possibility of losing some income opportunity. In the industry communicating age, each one of the business related communication occurs by way of the net internet.

Better Conferencing Calls

Until today, teleconferencing is now the sole alternative readily available in supplying an assembly structure that conserves around the present time, expense and stress connected in physical encounters. With substantially progress in the locale of technologies, videoconferencing has turned into a genuine blessing. Video online conferencing isn't brand new. It can give you a digital boardroom, at which you may have a number of folks sitting as if around a table looking at each other and discussing.

The History of Better Conferencing Calls Refuted

You're able to run a videoconference anywhere it's possible to chance upon an on-line relationship, and you also may possibly use lots of distinct devices, way too. Online meetings offer us a special platform with that, persons sitting down in various chapters of earth can socialize keep in touch with one another. Moreover, Tele Conference meetings could be run at quick note whatever simple truth that participants are far apart. Conference calling services also have brought down the purchase cost tag on a traditional conference telephone whilst easing multi-caller conferencing.
I do not doubt for a minute that if we all did the things we knew we were supposed to do, that living to be 100 years old would be commonplace. When we treat our bodies right, who knows how long we can live for?


Istri tidak lagi cantik seperti dulu.
Matamu masih jelalatan memandang wanita di luaran sana lebih cantik dari pada istri dirumah? Dan sering membandingkan seberapa cantik istrimu ketika pertama kali berkenalan hingga saat ini menjadi istrimu. Jika merasa istrimu kadar kecantikannya berkurang, maka kamu wajib menyimak kisah berikut ini.
Seorang suami mengadukan apa yang ia rasakan kepada seorang Syekh.
Dia berkata:
“Ketika aku mengagumi calon istriku seolah-olah dalam pandanganku Allah tidak menciptakan perempuan yang lebih cantik darinya di dunia ini. Ketika aku sudah meminangnya, aku melihat banyak perempuan seperti dia. Ketika aku sudah menikahinya aku lihat banyak perempuan yang jauh lebih cantik dari dirinya. Ketika sudah berlalu beberapa tahun pernikahan kami, aku melihat seluruh perempuan lebih manis dari pada istriku.”
Syekh berkata:
ﺃﻓﺄﺧﺒﺮﻙ ﺑﻤﺎ ﻫﻮ ﺃﺩﻫﻰ ﻣﻦ ﺫﻟﻚ ﻭﺃﻣﺮّ!؟
“Apakah engkau tahu, ada yang jauh lebih parah daripada yang engkau alami saat ini!?”
Laki-laki penanya: “Iya, mau.”
Syekh: “Sekalipun engkau mengawini seluruh perempuan yang ada di dunia ini, pasti anjing-anjing yang berkeliaran di jalanan itu lebih cantik dalam pandanganmu dari pada wanita manapun.”
Laki-laki penanya itu tersenyum masam, lalu ia berujar: “Kenapa tuan Syekh berkata demikian?”
Syekh itu melanjutkan:
ليس الأمر في عرسك ، وإنما هو في قلبك الطامع وبصرك الزائغ ، ولا يملأ عين ابن آدم الا التراب
“Masalah sesungguhnya bukan terletak pada istrimu, tapi terletak pada hati rakusmu dan mata keranjangmu. Mata manusia tidak akan pernah puas, kecuali jika sudah tertutup tanah kuburan.”
Rasulullah bersabda:
لَوْ أَنَّ لِابْنِ آدَمَ وَادِيًا مِنْ ذَهَبٍ أَحَبَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُ ثَانِيًا، وَلَنْ يَمْلأَ فَاهُ إِلا التُّرَابُ، وَيَتُوبُ اللَّهُ عَلَى مَنْ تَابَ
“Andaikan anak Adam itu memiliki lembah penuh berisi emas pasti ia akan menginkan lembah kedua, dan tidak akan ada yang bisa memenuhi mulutnya kecuali tanah. Dan Allah akan menerima taubat siapa yang mau bertaubat”.
Lalu Syekh itu bertanya, “Apakah engkau ingin istrimu kembali seperti dulu, menjadi wanita terindah di dunia ini?”
“Iya Syekh,” jawab lelaki itu dengan perasaan tak menentu.
Syekh: فاغضض ﺑﺼﺮﻙ ، فإن من ارتضى بحلاله رزق الكمال فيه
“Pejamkanlah matamu dari hal-hal yang haram… Ketahuilah, orang yang merasa cukup dengan suatu yang halal, maka dia akan diberi kenikmatan yang sempurna di dalam barang halal tersebut”

The Undisputed Fact Concerning Mesothelioma Law Business The Pros Do Not Need You to Understand

Thus in that calendar year, directly difficulty can be an immense matter. Whenever selecting lawyer, you would like to consider some practical matters just such as the legal professional's field of encounter, preceding standing, history. You may do the job with an trial law firm that has more than 30 years of knowledge each phase of this manner. Do not only find out the assistance of this exact 1st legal professional you appear at the phone publication. The Associates in ELSM cando anything is inside their own capability to produce Sure that your family and you obtain award and also the justice you should have. The very first thing to consider about filing a mesothelioma lawsuit is you have to behave fast. In the event you live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, then you'll find a number of tools it's likely to show to for assistance, which makes it more easy that you receive in connection an attorney specializing in mesothelioma situations. Still another awesome system to obtain the proper mesothelioma lawyer is to toask your previous coworkers. It truly is really a standard modest to moderate sized authorized clinic plan. You can find lots of renowned businesses that may have diminished success compared together with attorneys who've newly arrived at the company plus so they've won all their own cases. Benefit from of the free consultations you find it possible to receive, then proceed together along with the business you might be comfortable with. The Way to Begin Doing Mesothelioma Law Business? To start with, a lawyer has to demonstrate the asbestos identification was brought on from the asbestos services and products generated from the corporation that is becoming prosecuted. An experienced asbestos lawfirm could have a massive beneficial effect in your own loved ones's financial foreseeable future. In the event that you or some one else you know has grown mesothelioma for a effect of unlawful asbestos utilization on your premises, you'll create fiscal reimbursement which will aid recover. Your lawyer will clarify about the mesothelioma regulation and also guide you prior to generating the appropriate option. A professional mesothelioma lawyer will undergo a exact long method that you create the approach uncomplicated and making sure that the maximum possible reimbursement for your self. He could possess the essential understanding, contacts, experience and tools to assemble a good case and raise your odds of succeeding. If you pick you need information, guarantee you consult with an unaffiliated life insurance policy provider. In a few instances, a investor will probably arrive from the combination. As an alternative to file a charm by means of your insurance policy policy supplier. Much like different sorts of cancer, there aren't any remedies, but you'll find treatments which could possibly be used to assist remove the cancerous development. In the event that you or some one else you understand are tackling mesothelioma indications, or just in the event you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, then be aware you're not independently. It's a rather considerable kind of cancer associated with asbestos exposure, and households that are touched with mesothelioma possess lots of struggles beforehand. In the event you were diagnosed with mesothelioma at newjersey, it really is crucial that you do it to find medi cal care, and also to contact with a lawyer, whenever potential. You may possibly be entitled to greater compensation than you may visualize. A seasoned asbestos lawyer is able to help specialists browse the intricate VA asserts process together side legal avenues. If you should be considering taking authorized actions, then you've got to own adequate signs which will prove that your allegations are not biased. Primarily you ought to understand that they will reveal you personally and acquire against exactly the exact circumstance. The situation is very crucial and also you also hence will have to simply take too long as you possibly can to be certain that you've acquired a lawyer who is committed for your own case. In more unusual instances, it might possibly impact the tissue round the gut, and it is called pancreatic cancer. This really is 1 sort of cancer that very significant disorder. It's a kind of cancer brought on by mesothelial tissues that's clearly really actually just a thin coating of tissue enclosing your organs.
Tetap bersyukur dengan apa yang kita miliki serta meninggalkan apa yang di larang oleh Allah SWT adalah kunci dari harmonisnya hubungan antara suami dan istri. semoga kisah diatas menjadi pelajaran bagi kehidupan rumah tangga kita agar selau sakinah mawaddah warahmah, amin.

(LUCU) Cewek Ini Ketahuan Selingkuh Di Depan Mata, Reaksi Cowoknya Buat Salut..

(LUCU) Cewek Ini Ketahuan Selingkuh Di Depan Mata, Reaksi Cowoknya Buat Salut..

The Recently Leaked Secret to Hartford Annuities Discovered

Customers using mortgage contracts usually don't will need to get any actions. In the place of this, you anticipate a competent expenditure manager also allow him to cover the benefit. Agents get commissions from purchasing different insurance providers, but the quantity of the commission is dependent on the company issuing the coverage and also the particular type of plan. Real estate and casualty insurance brokers can get paid commissions against the selling of various different assortments of coverages. As an instance, a number of contracts notably those issued at the past few years resulting in the financial disaster had possibilities to enhance the trouble of the mortgage cyclists only in the case and employers are still nowadays working those alternatives to boost the mortgage expenses.
All is not wholly dismal about annuities. Annuities are contracts with insurance organizations that offer fixed payments on. Income annuities provide a means to get guaranteed and safe retirement income. Income annuities from Hartford can be customized to fulfill the retirement income needs of the person. This sort of annuity is amazing for individuals who need to take chances for greater yields. Annuities, that are a favourite part of retirement ideas, enable visitors to purchase and receive payments at a subsequent date or string of dates.
You're going to be dealing strictly with First Tennessee Brokerage, lnc concerning investment solutions. Prudential Annuities provides a broad choice of methods to assist you expand and safeguard your retirement earnings therefore that you may possibly enjoy your retirement. Variable annuities supply a means to improve retirement income using one investment which provides you both predictable cash flow and also a chance to make investments. The fixed annuities furnish a secure development of income that's assured and also reimbursed on right instant. Such annuities are frequently used to economize money on the retirement. Hartford Life Annuities give many added advantages.
hartford annuities

Top Choices of Hartford Annuities

Price is among the principal facets, whenever choosing mutual fund. The price tag on the payoff was accounted for with reservations previously created. These charges have the subsequent treatment and basis... Conventionally, there are two kinds of charges which can be billed by mutual finance companies. In nearly all cases, the payments are going to be quite a terrible bargain for seniors that own older annuities. In case you should ask him, he'd say he is grounded in every which is important also gives credit to his creator because of his relatives, health and productive career. There certainly are a few really agreeable manners, where you are able to securely invest and also' increase' your money. Mutual resources would be the very best investment vehicles for people that do not desire to directly dabble in the wonderful world of securities trading.
The organization has chosen to quit offering annuity products. Thus, it truly is maybe not exactly the insurance carrier that takes the danger. Insurance firms are in the company of managingnot imagining the hazards of all others. The provider in addition provides a large array of annuities. Additional inside the wake of the emergency, it's now obvious that lots of businesses misjudged the number of consumers would like to keep their contracts. Being a consequence, variable annuity businesses are currently managing their faith in a more competitive way of restrain their risk.
The organization would be bound to pay off the claims to get many people all at one time. Annuity companies are graded about the likelihood they'll have the ability to generate the payments they claim to cover their consumers. With all the grading system it is likely to soon be a whole great deal easier that you just choose from your nice, protected mortgage companies which can be prepared to assist you set an annuity up.

The Pain of Hartford Annuities

Hartford, obviously, is not by yourself. If it remains an proper answer, no actions is a requirement and impending applications it's still processed,'' Mosbacher explained. As stated by the result of a detail study, it's a world-class business that is big and reputed. The Hartford can be really a major insurance policy provider using a extensive amount of investment goods , living insurance policies and advantages to groups. Regarding insurance coverage, The Hartford provides individual and family insurance policy coverage that include things like Automobile insurance that's special advantages and attributes that'll produce the consumer's life simpler. The Hartford introduced it's inserting its personal annuity business into run off. "AA" means that the business is in strong fiscal capability to fulfill its duties.
Or else, you can put in a significant volume sum in 1 go. You'll find hundreds and hundreds of annuity businesses. In the event you die after only a few of years, the insurance carrier could obtain any money left in your accounts. It will be potential to establish a lifetime assured income with all the prospect of prospective increase and something left handed over to vaccinations. Hartford living claims it really is likely to provide competitive rates of interest on the policies' values. Employed being a house and casualty insurance policy company may be considered a rewarding and fulfilling career selection.
Often, it was not clear who had the ability to yield a choice. The essential purpose of an annuity would be to improve investment to get returns. Now you'll find quite a few conceptions regarding annuities which are definitely going to be clarified within this paragraph.

Top Choices of Email Marketing Services

email marketing services

Facts, Fiction and Email Marketing Services

Email marketing is a vital aspect for any thriving on-line advertisement. Emailmarketing is actually a essential portion of a marketing plan for nearly any type of business. Since the advent of web, it is thought of as an vital tool for most organizations. Honest email promotion is an amazingly cost-effective and high-return approach to promote goods and products.
Email promotion could be a terrific car to do. Marketing with email has become the most important part of one's advertising. Email promotion is most oftentimes reported as second in order to find promotion whilst the ideal online advertising device. Despite the upswing in cost of conventional marketing approaches, it continues to be cheap. Amazingly, it is nevertheless the best promotion strategy which organizations find it impossible to ignore. Bulk email promotion is a affordable method of promoting and advertising your organization.
In case your company is new and you don't have many contacts, it may be tough that you acquire new clients. It's vital for any firm to comprehend everything your consumer requirements or wants. If you operate a traditional off line firm you will be capable of using email marketing and advertising to drive foot traffic via your doorway.

Vital Pieces of Email Marketing Services

Email promotion applications facilitates the advertisements procedure applying e-mail in a price tag. Email marketing software and e mail advertising solutions would be the base of any business dwelling in the world nowadays. Moreover, the email promoting software tends to make it feasible that you nourish the buy historical past of buyers, and that means you're able to send emails in their mind based on their past purchases and preferences. Whenever you possess the ideal email advertisements software, the tedious procedure is created fairly easy, actually to manage and maintain tabs on each of your own efforts.
Helps in compiling your subscriber list If you desire to own your mails examine it needs to be delivered into the appropriate folks. The email has to be more interesting. For those who earn a decision to use marketing mails to assist you to get your merchandise or merchandise then you are going to need an wonderful e mail to ship out. Marketing emails ought to be an easy task to SCAN. So, even when you never enjoy writing a lot it is in reality well worth your while to format the e mail from a style that is simple to browse and will be able to help you earn more earnings. When suitable, e-mail provides a excellent prospect for you to re Search and cross-sell your items and solutions. The message that is suitable can be delivered by An easy designed email into the person at proper moment.
Regardless of what service or product you would like to promote you should keep it straightforward and assure it's tricky. Email campaign services instantly promote your internet website goods, attributes, and products and services to thousands of clients weekly. 1 other amazing thing concerning this service is it has an i-phone program that enables one to easily track your sign up statistics. It really is that you may get going with a thirty account. Also, it's altogether free and entrepreneurs are not required to cover any fee for the content. Each of 3 email advertising companies stand rather equal. Most electronic mail advertisements businesses provide lots of templates that their customers can make use of to create their flyers.
Customer service is fairly great. It's superb. Additionally evident with these, customers need to join up ahead to acquiring business advice. In short, you may directly speak with your customers in an incredibly personalised and intimate manner which isn't doable with other advertising approaches. By applying an auto-responder you're able to break uncomplicated your visitors aren't being discounted, and your bottom line must represent the beneficial outcomes! Be clear of stuff you really want to know more about getting your consumer to really do.
As it's to do with offering your companies to other people which you have perhaps never to overlook the customer will always think that they're proper. Email marketing providers provide effectual and speedy way to receive achieves desired advertising objectives. When used in the suitable way the e-mail promotion and advertising services may possibly be strong technique to improve your organization. Just lately, e mail promotion solutions have been used by a number of brands to market their offerings, even as a result of their remarkable reach and cost efficacy. Some email advertising services can give you regular plan if you would love to continue email promotion to get a lengthier time period of time. Once you utilize email advertising and marketing products and services for your campaigns, ensure you proceed the less important issues with this effort in the base of this webpage and that you start out your email with the ideal offer you have. Now there are many different advertising services out there for organizations.